The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

A Reluctant Modernist: the work of Sidney Colwyn Foulkes

WS Woods Department Store, Colwyn Bay - Sidney Colwyn Foulkes (1933)
Credit: RCAHMW

A Reluctant Modernist: the work of Sidney Colwyn Foulkes

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Start time: 6.30pm

S. Colwyn Foulkes (1884-1971), who lived and worked in Colwyn Bay, had a prolific career and turned his hand to almost every type of building, big and small. Most are designed in a historicising style (his favourite being Neo-Georgian) but in some he ventured into a more modern idiom, notably in the cinemas he built in the 1930s. His greatest achievements were the housing schemes he designed after 1945 and his involvement in the new field of industrial landscaping in the later 1950s. Adam Voelcker’s illustrated talk will give a summary of these as well as an overview of his busy and colourful career as a whole.

Welsh: Cafodd S. Colwyn Foulkes (1884-1971), a oedd yn byw ac yn gweithio ym Mae Colwyn, yrfa doreithiog a throdd ei law at bron bob math o adeilad, mawr a bach. Mae'r rhan fwyaf wedi'u cynllunio mewn arddull hanesyddol (ei ffefryn oedd Neo-Sioraidd) ond mewn rhai mentrodd i idiom fwy modern, yn arbennig yn y sinemâu a adeiladodd yn y 1930au. Ei lwyddiannau mwyaf oedd y tai a gynlluniodd ar ôl 1945 a'i ran ym maes newydd tirlunio diwydiannol ar ddiwedd y 1950au. Bydd sgwrs ddarluniadol Adam Voelcker yn rhoi crynodeb o’r rhain yn ogystal â throsolwg o’i yrfa brysur a lliwgar yn ei chyfanrwydd.

Adam Voelcker came to north Wales in 1979 to work with David Lea, and from 1982 to 2014 he ran his own practice with his wife Frances. He is co-author of the Gwynedd volume in the Buildings of Wales (Pevsner) series, has written a monograph on the Arts and Crafts architect Herbert Luck North and, more recently, a book about the work of David Lea. On retiring in 2014, he embarked on a degree course in Fine Art at Bangor University.

Welsh: Daeth Adam Voelcker i ogledd Cymru ym 1979 i weithio gyda David Lea, ac o 1982 i 2014 bu’n rhedeg ei bractis ei hun gyda’i wraig Frances. Mae’n gyd-awdur y gyfrol o Wynedd yn y gyfres Buildings of Wales (Pevsner), mae wedi ysgrifennu monograff ar y pensaer Celf a Chrefft Herbert Luck North ac, yn fwy diweddar, llyfr am waith David Lea. Ar ôl ymddeol yn 2014, dechreuodd ar gwrs gradd mewn Celfyddyd Gain ym Mhrifysgol Bangor. 

C20 Society Members: £3
Non-Members: £5

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Note: This event is being run online via Zoom. The event will be recorded and offered as a catch-up lecture for those who have booked and will be available for two weeks.

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The Twentieth Century Society is an IHBC (Institute of Historic Building Conservation) recognised CPD provider.

The Twentieth Century Society is a registered charity, no 1110244

Image: WS Woods Department Store, Colwyn Bay - Sidney Colwyn Foulkes (1933)
Credit: RCAHMW


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