Conservation in the Eye of the Media: Mansion House Square Revisited
Conservation in the Eye of the Media: Mansion House Square Revisited
Wednesday 8th November, 6.30-8.30pm
In 1985 the BBC Omnibus Programme devoted an hour of prime-time viewing to the planning inquiry into the demolition of the Victorian Mappin and Webb building at Bank intersection in the City of London, and its proposed replacement by a tower and plaza by Mies van der Rohe. Today, planning inquiries are less frequent and much less newsworthy: what does this tell us about changing attitudes to conservation?
A screening of the original film will be followed by a discussion between participants at the time and current conservation practitioners including Terry Farrell, Robert Thorne, Jenny Freeman and Sophie Andreae. The event is organised in collaboration with SAVE Britain's Heritage to mark the 30th anniversary of the Mansion House enquiry.
This event will be held at Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios 20 Tottenham Street London W1T 4RG
Tickets for the discussion: £8.00 for C20 and SAVE Member/Friends/Saviours. Non Members £12.00 (includes a glass of wine)