The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

Brutal North

Thursday 15 April 2021 at 18.30 Presented by Simon Phipps with Matthew Steele, Dr Christina Malathouni and Catherine Croft

During the post-war years the North of England saw the building of some of the most aspirational, enlightened and successful modernist architecture.  Simon Phipps, whose photographic exploration Brutal North: Post-War Modernist Architecture in the North of England (2020), is joined in this discussion by Catherine Croft, Dr Christina Malathouni and Matthew Steele. 

The panel will take as their starting point Simon’s striking black and white photographs of Brutalist buildings, and will assess the qualities and examine the particular challenges these often-astonishing buildings now face. The event coincides with efforts by the Society to increase the number of listed brutalist buildings, many of which are threatened by destruction or neglect.

Simon Phipps is a photographer, his books include  Concrete Poetry: Post-War Modernist Public Art (2018), Finding Brutalism: A Photographic Survey of Post-War British Architecture (2017) and Brutal London (2016).

Matthew Steele is an architectural historian and lecturer at the Manchester School of Architecture. He wrote the building descriptions for Brutal North and co-authored Sacred Suburbs (2015), and contributed to Manchester: Something Rich and Strange (2020).

Dr Christina Malathouni is an architectural historian and Lecturer at the Liverpool School of Architecture. She wrote the successful application to list Preston Bus Station.

Catherine Croft is Director of the Twentieth Century Society.

 Members: £3, non-members £5

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Brutal North: Post-War Modernist Architecture in the North of England is published by September Publishing. It is available price £16.99 (+£2.10 postage) from the Modernist Society who are supporting this event.

We’ll send you a Zoom link by email after you book, which will enable you to “join” the event, and we’ll be using the Q&A function to take questions at the end. If you’ve not used Zoom before, clicking on the Zoom link will take you through the set-up process, hopefully simply and smoothly! You should receive an automated link within an hour of booking so please check your spam/junk emails if you haven't received this. Any further problems please contact

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