The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

Catch up: Spring Lecture Series Cities of the British Isles: Dublin

This is a recording of the event that took place on Thursday 18th March 2021 at 18.30.DublinPresented by Dr Erika Hanna

Dublin is famous as a city of extremes and contrasts. At the dawn of the twentieth century, it was a city of opulent buildings and some of the worst slums in Europe. On independence the nascent state was faced with the problem of how to deal with these legacies and the challenges of reconstruction after the damage of the 1916 Rising. Later in the century a new wave of spatial modernisation led to the boom of apartments and offices of the Celtic Tiger, and the urban crisis of the ghost estates. Erika Hanna will chart the shifts in the city’s fortunes, and explore some of the city’s more famous and lesser-known buildings.

Members: £3, non-members £5

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