The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

Online: Great Exhibitions of the Twentieth Century Lecture Series: 3. Expo 67 and its (Laurentian) World, Craig Moyes

Expo 67 Montreal postcard
Credit: Cardboard America™

Spring Lecture Series 2025: Great Exhibitions of the Twentieth Century:
3. Expo 67 and its (Laurentian) World, Craig Moyes

Thursday 13 February 2025 at 6.30pm


In 1967, Montreal hosted Man and His World/Terre des Hommes. By far the most successful cultural event ever produced in Canada, it was embraced by the public and seen as a new type of exhibition for the new global age.

Craig Moyes is Reader in French and Quebec Studies at King’s College London and director of the Quebec and French Canada Research Network (QaFCaRN). He was co-editor with Steven Palmer of Expo 67 and its World: Staging the Nation in the Crucible of Globalisation (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022).

Zoom price:
C20 Society Members: £7;
Non-Members: £10;
Young C20 member + guest: Free*;
Student + guest: £4**.

* For Young C20 members, please email to secure a place.

** For student pricing please select from the dropdown option next to ‘membership number’ on the booking form below.

Click here for our latest cancellation policy.

Note: This event is hybrid and is being run both in-person at Cowcross Street Gallery and online via Zoom. The event will be recorded and offered as a catch-up lecture for those who have booked and will be available for two weeks.

We will send you a Zoom link by email after you book, which will enable you to ‘join’ the event. You should receive an automated link within an hour of booking so please check your spam/junk emails if you haven’t received this. Any further problems please contact

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Looking to support our campaigning? Donate to our casework Here.

The Twentieth Century Society is an IHBC (Institute of Historic Building conservation) recognised CPD provider.

The Twentieth Century Society is a registered charity, no 1110244

Above image: Expo 67 Montreal postcard
Credit: Cardboard America™


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Fill up the form below to book a spot in the event Online: Great Exhibitions of the Twentieth Century Lecture Series: 3. Expo 67 and its (Laurentian) World, Craig Moyes.

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