The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

Brutalism by Bike: Denys Lasdun’s London

Brutalism by Bike: Denys Lasdun’s London

Saturday 21 May 2022

Start time/place:  10.30am/Speakers Corner, Hyde Park

Finish time/place: 4.30pm /Rapha, 85 Brewer Street, W1F 9ZN

Join members Tim McInnes and Alan Morton for a bike-based survey tour of Denys Lasdun’s finest contributions to the London skyline.

The ride starts at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park and immediately heads west to see his early works in Paddington, before coming back through town past the Royal College of Physicians (1960-4) grade I listed, the SOAS Library and Institute of Education in Bloomsbury (1970-6) II*, Keeling House (1957-9)  II*, the IBM (1979-84) II and National Theatre (1969-76) II* buildings on the Southbank, and St James’s Place (1959-60) II*. The 30km ride finishes at Rapha in Soho.

There will be a coffee stop mid-ride as the route nears its turning point in Bethnal Green.

The tour will be led by experienced cyclists and C20 members Tim McInnes and Alan Morton, who spent the recent lock down exploring London's C20 architecture.

Participants will need to have a smartphone to download a GPS route that will be emailed before the event. Given the distance covered all attendees will need to be experienced and familiar with riding on two wheels in London, they will be expected to be self-sufficient in the event of a puncture and experience of riding in groups is also necessary, for the safety of all riders. Participants undertake the tour at their own risk and the wearing of a cycle helmet is strongly advised. Numbers are limited to 10 people and no interiors will be visited.

Members:  £3  Non-Members: £5

Not a member yet? Join here and benefit from event ticket discounts. Looking to support our campaigning? Donate to our casework here

The Twentieth Century Society is a registered charity, no 1110244

The Twentieth Century Society is an IHBC (Institute of Historic Building conservation) recognised CPD provider

Above: National Theatre.  Photograph: Rory Gardiner

Booking Closed

Unfortunately, booking is closed for this event and we are no longer able to accept new bookings.